Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Video Game About Wandering...No, wait, hear me out!

Let me start this game by saying: I'm sick of the same old stuff! The gaming industry spits out war games like television networks spit out cops shows, like YouTubers post videos about babies, etc.

Now check out this game:

Journey is absolutely cool because it focuses on something so difficultly achieved and so easily ignored in most modern games: the setting! Sure, the Uncharted franchise makes use of the scenery (as well as some others), but not like this game. 

This game is exactly what it says, a journey.

I remember exploring the water in the jet-ski game Slashdown when I was a little kid. In the Free Play mode, players could ride at their own pace. However, you could also ride outside the race boundaries without it placing you back on the path. I found out the terrifying way, though, that if you go too far away from the path a monster will eat you. (I had to pause the game and catch my breath.)

But I digress...

The environment of that game was spectacular. It took place all over the world: Florida, Ireland, Hawaii, etc. And it looked great!

Journey is a great game, too, because of how zen it is. It is a short game that encourages you to take a closer look at your surroundings, and I think, in this fast-paced world, that is a valuable lesson.

Pins, Pins, Pins!

I joined pinterest a while ago, and I currently have 437 pins on 9 boards! I love Pinterest for more than just the mindless pinning of random internet images. (Seriously, if its a time-killer.)

Pinterest brings to mind the amount of information that we come across everyday. Of course, Pinterest deals mostly with images and video, but we see a large amount of stuff these days.

We read articles, hear stories and poems, make clever tweets and posts, see awesome images, and watch fantastic videos. However, we can't possible retain all the knowledge that gets stuffed into our heads each day!

Sites like Pinterest that allow you to capture images you've seen online (with a link to get back to where you found them), do us the fantastic service of allowing us to revisited things that we found interesting before.

Cheesecake-stuffed strawberries; I don't want to forget this!

Also, in the case of the photo above, you can also find new things on Pinterest. Pinterest is almost the image equivalent to Wikipedia in that it is a collective knowledge of everyone on the site. I found those under the "Food & Drink" category and my mouth has been watering ever since. 

People post other cool things like tattoos they'd wish to get or Fitspo/Thinspo (inspiration to slim down or work out). There are also encouraging quotes and funny things on that website.

Check this out! One of the best tattoos I've seen: "Love never ends"

It all comes together in this zen, indie feel - like anything you see, you can acheive. There aren't any (at least that I've seen) trolls discouraging anyone or starting unnecessary chaos. 

It is a truly inspirational website that encourage all my friends to use!