Is it S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? Or is it S.M.A.D.???
As you may recall from a previous post the business magazine, Forbes, has recently begun focusing on social media. (As well they should now that it is a booming industry.) Well, I came across this startling article on New Year's Day: 3 Reasons to Quit Social Media in 2013
The last two reasons came as no surprise, but the first one struck me. It spoke of a mood condition affecting many social media users these days - Social Media Anxiety Disorder.
Social Media Anxiety Disorder & You!
The Fall term has finally ended, and Jimmy finished his first semester of college with a nice 3.45 G.P.A. Quite the achievement! He decides to leave campus and get some much needed R&R with his parents in Mitchell, South Dakota (his hometown). While he catches up on the past season of The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad, he has Facebook up in another tab.
On Facebook, he discovers his dorm roommate is in Guatemala doing charity work. His ex-girlfriend has her big time internship on LinkedIn. Tons of his old friends and classmates are posting pics of their tropical vacation tans on Instagram. Meanwhile, Jimmy tweets: "Dexter is crazy!!!"
He suddenly feels like an unremarkable, lazy, worthless college brat who is wasting his life.
I'm sure everyone has felt like Jimmy at one point or another. You've accomplished some great things, but they've all been overshadowed by the accomplishments of your Facebook friends. Leaving you to feel like your accomplishments are minuscule in comparison and the effort you put in to achieve what you have isn't good enough.
It's a concept in Psychology known as social comparison. In many ways, our self esteem is built from the esteem we have for others. If you're the only kid in class with an 'A', you feel great! Likewise, if you're the only kid in class without an 'A', you feel like an idiot.
Social media plays a huge part because of the number of people you're constantly comparing yourself to on a daily basis. Childhood chums, high school friends, your current co-workers all posting about major happenings in their lives makes you wonder what has been happening in yours. And, unless you've had some major accomplishment recently, (which, let's face it, isn't extremely often for normal people) you feel bad.
Congrats, Patrice! You know what I did today? I made a grilled cheese sandwich. Take that!!!
Yeah, it sucks! But is it a reason to quit social media this year?
What do you think?
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