Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What Does It Mean To Be A "Geek"?

I recently came across this rant/article on the Forbes website (of all places), and it got me thinking...

In the article, the author (Tara Tiger Brown) chastises the modern geek culture and reflects on what the word "geek" meant when she was a growing geek. In short, where "geek" was once an insult to kids obsessed with something obscure, "geek" has now become a sub-cultural badge of honor bestowed on anyone who plays video games.

Or wears glasses like these.

Now that being a geek is kinda cool, who deserves the title? 
What does it mean to be a geek???

Geeks are often stereotyped as being abnormally adept at math, science, technology, video games, and comic books. However, I agree with Brown's point about obsession. In my eyes, a true geek is someone who has dove head-first into a unique obsession!

For instance, I have learned a lot of Japanese phrases and cultural tidbits from watching anime. So much so, I would consider myself an anime geek! And, believe me, that isn't the only interest that makes me a geek...

In fact, "geek" is often used to describe personality, right? In that case, a geek is a person who often finds something of interest and obsesses over it.

Just a few things I've been obsessed with:

  • The Powerpuff Girls
  • WWE
  • Dragonball Z
  • Bleach
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • British Television
  • Telenovelas (Spanish soap operas)
  • The Sims games
While I agree that the change in connotation has created  geek wannabes (as any popular subculture creates wannabes), I think the celebration of geek-hood is great! Geeks are like superheros in a way; they often have enough unique knowledge to be able to do some amazing things, like build a hoverboard or a burning laser.

How do I feel about these wannabes?

You can wear the nerd glasses - I admit they are quite stylish - and the geeky t-shirts all you like; it doesn't make you a geek. In fact, you're missing the funnest part! Real geeks aren't geeks because of how they dress or to make themselves attractive to another social group. Real geeks find massive entertainment in something the distinguishes them from the average fan. They are individuals who enjoy what they enjoy despite the opinions of others.

So if you want to impersonate a geek, go ahead. There is only two outcomes: (a) you realize you are not a geek and give up the charade OR (b) ....

...you'll get sucked in.

What does being a geek mean to you?
Share your thoughts at www.facebook.com/verygeekygirl

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