"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert HubbardMany people reach the middle of their lives and begin taking stock: How much time do I have left? What have I accomplished thus far? Have I ever truly felt alive?
This internal struggle - commonly referred to as a mid-life crisis - usually manifests itself outwardly through risky/outrageous acts, spontaneous trips, and expensive purchases.
As painful as a mid-life crisis is, this is not the only crisis of the modern world some of us are bound to face...
Before you can even reach the "What Have I Done With My Life?" crisis, you must first encounter the "What Am I Going To Do With My Life" crisis: The Quarter-Life Crisis.
The overwhelming panic of being thrust into the "real world" clueless of what the future holds can be a terrible experience for us in our early 20s to 30s: What am I going to do with my life? Did I go to school for the right thing? Or have I screwed it all up already? Is happiness even a real thing?
Unlike a mid-life crisis, young people typically don't have the option to spend their savings on something to help cure their crisis. So what do you do?
Here's how I've been spending my quarter-life crisis...

Lately, my interest in martial arts has become a small hobby. Israeli Krav Maga, in particular, has piqued my interest, and I've been practicing a few techniques I found online. Feeling my punches have been weak (and my stamina should be better), I've also begun doing strength-building yoga from a book I bought a while back.
Becoming A Warrior

Becoming A Feng Shui Master & Fashion Stylist

When I grow bored of interior design, I turn to exterior design. I watch Fashion Star and create outfits on Polyvore (inspired by music that I like).
Connecting To Culture

This thought of culture has me into spoken word again, too. I actually got the urge to write a poem after a hard day at work while listening to the above song. (That melody soothes me.) I've also started listening to poetry on YouTube - which I strongly recommend on a bad day.
What are your suggestions for coping with a Quarter-Life Crisis?
Let me know on Facebook!!!