Thursday, February 24, 2011

Programming Prose

When the night is long,
I don't cling to a cup of Java.
Rather I hit the subway rails
Draped in the finest Rubys and Perls.
This is my
High-Level Life.

I am not just object-oriented.
I travel to the darkest jungles
to play with pythons.
I sing with the greatest symphonies in C
Now to do get the Basic Visual?
This is my
High-Level Life.

I may be a PYT,
But I'm more proud to be a PHP:
Pretty Hot Programmer.
My efficiency is Big-Oh of Amazing.
For our founding fathers and their COBOL and FORTRAN:
I stand for transcendental programs.
And even my pure, small, basic, idealistic thinking...
Can one day change the world.

This is my High-Level Life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Code Attack!: My 'Tunk' Capstone Idea

So, I'm taking EECS 282 this semester (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 282, that is) where we're learning Java. After being taught the popular (i guess) card game, Tunk.

Rules of Tunk (as my genius boyfriend told me):
  • Each player starts with 5 cards: Face cards = 10; Aces = 1; and the other cards have their printed value
  • If a player begins with a value of 49 or 50, they win automatically!
  • If a player chooses they can "drop", compare their total value with their opponents' and the lowest value wins
  • A player can also win by losing all their cards
  • Players can lose cards by forming (what I am going to call) "sets":
    • A sequence of consecutive of the same suit. Ex. 3Hearts, 4Hearts, 5Hearts
    • A sequence of the same value of different suits. Ex. 5Diamonds, 5Hearts, 5Spades
  • Players can also add to existing sets

So thus was born my Capstone Project Idea. It will be a one-player game where the user will play the computer, and the number of wins and losses will be counted.

Spring Break is coming up soon, and while my contemporaries will be in tanning in Cancun, I'll be here on campus being a geek! (I have big plans for those Head First books) Hopefully, I can get this application working somewhat...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Web Design Practice Ideas

I have NO idea why I haven't been doing this, but I plan to use W3 Schools to brush up (and enhance) my web design and development skills.

I am super excited!

This is mostly because I plan to make this learning experience fun. (Every learning experience should be fun.) Here are a few of my ideas for good web design/development practice:

All of these are based off of my interests, by the way.

  • Website for Moe's Tavern
  • Website for Bob's Burgers
  • A wedding budget application
  • An online diary/scrapbook
  • MadLibs and Match Game
  • A social network for programmers/designers
These are just a few things I thought would be cool. A goal I have for this year is to do something cool with regard to web design and development, and I think this experience will accomplish this.

In the meantime, check out my personal website!