Monday, August 19, 2013

TV Fall Preview Review

Summer is sadly coming to an end. On a lighter note, along with Autumn comes... New Television Shows!!!

Hulu put up a few previews of this Fall's new television premieres. If you're a TV-buff, you're going to want to check it out. Let me know what you think on the Very Geeky Girl Facebook Page.

In the meantime, I'll be the judge! This is my - connoisseur of television - first impression of some of this Fall's lineup.

The Michael J. Fox Show (NBC)

I think it's brave that Michael J. Fox is returning to television in this way. The Family Ties star has been fairly absent from television for many years while coping with his real-life Parkinson's disease. The Michael J. Fox Show is reminiscent of the Dick Van Dyke Show whereas it seems to be a lighthearted approach to telling the story of the title actor.

My only concern with TMJFS is whether the public will be able to handle the mobility problems associated with Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's disease. At times during the preview, I felt uncomfortable. I sympathized with Mike Henry's (Fox) inability to be still, and it was quite distracting.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (ABC)

Now that we've come to the realization that there are superheroes, we've got to get them organized. In the Avengers-Justice League-Teen Titan-X-Men fashion, S.H.I.E.L.D looks to bring together all the people with powers in the Avengers universe to do good for... the government? That wasn't made entirely clear in the preview.

I feel my fellow geeks getting excited about this show, but I'm not entirely certain how long it will last. Smallville was on television for a decade, but Heroes only lasted 3 seasons. It's hard to tell how well these superhero-sci-fi shows will do. (Or how well they will last...)

Once Upon A Time in Wonderland (ABC)

After only two seasons, Once Upon A Time has gotten a spin-off. Unlike The Jeffersons, The Simpsons, and Frasier, many modern spin-offs don't go very far. However...

The special effects, the mystical merged with reality, the reintroduction to familiar characters! Once Upon A Time in Wonderland has the same charm that made us fall in love with the original Once Upon A Time. Unlike the original series, though, Wonderland focuses on one story instead of colliding multiple stories.

The Goldbergs (ABC)

Warning: The preview might as well be the pilot. That aside, the Wonder Years style of this show paired with the modern comedy complemented by the awesome cast has me on the edge of my seat.

The 80s: The Era of Awkward Family Photos

It looks like a period piece done right! I wasn't hyper-aware looking for timeline continuity errors (e.g. a Miley Cyrus poster in the 80s) because I was too busy laughing. I trusted this show to have done its homework. That says a lot.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Fox)

This show is one big SNL sketch (circa 2010). It's pretty funny, albeit corny at times, and it's a refreshing look at the typical cop drama.

Historically, this series has a few key elements that make me think it will last beyond the first season: the odd couple vibe between Samberg and Braugher, SNL alums typically make awesome television stars (30 Rock & Parks and Recreation), Fred Armisen's appearance hopefully foreshadows a series of hilarious guest stars. Must give this show a try!

This Fall's lineup seems good so far. I'm anticipating lots of geek-friendly programming and plenty of laughs. 

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