Friday, October 12, 2012

The Joys of Destroying Expensive Stuff

If I may grab my soapbox for a moment, I recently noticed something interesting...

By now, we're all familiar with Will It Blend?a horrifyingly funny blender ad campaign that turns expensive electronics - among other things - into smoothies.

If you followed the above link, you witnessed an iPhone 4 being blended shortly after its United States debut. That means, this guy spent a couple hundred dollars on a remarkable piece of technology only to utterly destroy it! Seriously. Some people still have flip phones, and this guy just blended an iPhone 4!

Yet, are we outraged? No. In fact, we are thoroughly entertained. We cheer the MacHeads' (then) most coveted item. Why???

The question came to mind when I saw this on Gizmodo:

Someone - I can only presume a super villain - Superglued the (alleged) first iPhone 5 in the Netherlands to the ground in a busy town square! Take that capitalism?

Poor passersby attempt to take and claim the latest Apple holy grail, but with no success. It's cruel and unusual punishment to both the townspeople and the iPhone. But are we entertained? Absolutely!

(Side-note: I love the obviously drunk guy who, even in his inebriated state knows he should try to grab this phone. lol)

My theory for why we enjoy watching these expensive pieces of technology be abused starts with this guy:

Oh, I see you have a cellular device of some sort. I have one, too. Have you heard of... The iPhone 5?

We all know this guy. We all hate this guy. He's why sites like Gizmodo have to write articles like Don't Be a Jerk With Your Cool New iPhone 5. It's not this guy in particular that makes you want to blend a Samsung Galaxy Tab. It's what he represents...

It's a status thing. That Guy thinks he's better than you because he has the most up-to-date piece of equipment out there, and he wants everyone to know it. But when that item has been hit with a metal bat... it kind of falls off its pedestal.

Destroying technology sets us all on a level playing field. It reminds us that whether you take notes on an iPad, a laptop, or a spiral notebook, we are all equally human because these things that make us feel greater than (or less than) can so easily be taken away.

Or maybe we are all just really sick and enjoy throw hundreds of dollars down the drain...

What do you think???

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