Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Post-Grad Student

Although I'm sure a "post-graduate student" is a real thing in another context, I wanted to write a post about those of us who are finally in the "real world" and still crave the academic culture.

Upon graduating from The University of Michigan, one of the first changes I had to adapt to was no longer being a student. After work, I sometimes feel like there is an assignment I should be doing. I still occasionally have stress dreams about a final for a class I haven't attended!

Am I the only person here without a paper to write?

Don't get me wrong! The freedom of post-graduate life is sweet. No deadlines, exams, cramming, scheduling, or course catalogs. However, I sometimes feel the urge to learn.

Another freedom that comes with being released from an educational institution is the choice of what to learn next. Sure, you majored in a subject you were passionate about and learned quite a bit. But everyone has taken at least one class that had nothing to do with anything but served as a credit you needed to graduate.

Schrodinger's cat is dead! Now, I can I take another theater class?

Here are a few ways to satisfy your thirst for knowledge online (and without student loans):


I was reading an Forbes article about how to be an expert in your field, and it suggested teaching a course on the website SkillShare. SkillShare is a start-up site that allows experts to share teach their talents for free to anyone willing to learn.

Check out the submitted projects from this guy's class! Delicious!!!
Note: Only some of the classes are free, but most are very affordable.


I remember spending a day of Spring Break in my dorm room watching Ted Talks.... I am a nerd. But, hey, TedTalks are entertaining, informational, and inspirational! Ted Talks are also great ways to spark intelligent dialogue. You'd be surprised at the decrease in intellectual conversation when you're not required to talk about readings at least once a week. 

Here's an exceptionally entertaining Ted Talk I saw recently...


You've likely come across a Howcast video or two online before. They're quick tutorials on how to do things. It wouldn't be a bad idea to learn a few new things through the Howcast website.

Tutorials for everything from "how to understand heart disease" to "sexy dance moves for the club" can be found on this helpful site.


Duh... you can always google something you want to learn more about and follow the rabbit hole until you become an expert.

I hope this post inspires you to learn something new this summer. Just because you're not obligated to learn things doesn't mean you shouldn't! Everyone could use a little more knowledge here or there.

What subject matter are you yearning to dive into?
Share your thoughts on Facebook!

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